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Link Between Diarrheal Illness and Climate Change Identified

[ad_1] A recent study indicates a correlation between temperature, day length, and humidity with the heightened…

700+ Airbus Atlantic Staff Ill Post-Christmas Dinner, Cause Unclear

[ad_1] Over 700 Airbus Atlantic staff in France reportedly fell ill following the company’s Christmas dinner…

Palestinian Health Ministry Warns of Gaza Epidemic Risk

[ad_1] The Gaza-based Palestinian Health Ministry has issued a warning about the potential for a significant…

Gastrointestinal Disorders Emerge as Persistent Long COVID Symptoms

[ad_1] Currently, scientists are engaged in a fresh study examining the link between long COVID and…

How Can Washing Hands Help Prevent Diarrhea?

[ad_1] The data is enough to highlight how important it is to integrate hygiene practices like…

AI can Detect Diarrhea Through Bowel Sounds

[ad_1] It detected indicators of cholera and other chronic diseases in testing, providing hope for treatment…

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