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How Your Dentist can Identify a Spectrum of Health Diseases

[ad_1] Detecting the early signs of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and…

Rising Threat of Heart Attacks in Today’s Youth

[ad_1] In recent years, there has been a concerning uptick in the number of…

November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

[ad_1] November’s Lung Cancer Awareness Month serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges and triumphs…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Uniting the World in Pink

[ad_1] October is painted in shades of pink, symbolizing a global unity that isn’t…

World Sight Day: Illuminating the Importance of Vision

[ad_1] World Sight Day is observed on the second Thursday of October every year. The initiative…

FDA Clears Genetic Test for Cancer Risk Assessment

[ad_1] This advancement is significant for public health, as it equips individuals with crucial information about…

Can a Dentist Detect Heart Disease With Just Your Saliva?

[ad_1] Their findings demonstrated that increased levels correlated with reduced flow-mediated dilation—a preliminary sign of arterial…

Oral Cancer: A Smile Saved is a Life Restored

[ad_1] Illuminate oral health by shedding light on oral cancer [ad_2] Source link

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