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Timeless Language of Facial Expressions in Psychotherapy

[ad_1] Facial expressions play a pivotal role in psychotherapy, allowing an insightful glimpse into a person’s…

Navigating Well-Being in a Pandemic Through Pet Tales?

[ad_1] They also reported negative aspects of pet ownership like being worried about their pet’s well-being…

Navigating Children’s Emotions During Parental Divorce

[ad_1] IANSlife caught up with Dr. Puneet Dwevedi, Chief of Mental Health and Behavioural Science, and…

Heres How Anxious People Handle Emotional Situations

[ad_1] They studied brain scans to see what happens in anxious and non-anxious people in a…

From Storm to Serenity: How to Transform Workplace Conflicts into Opportunities?

[ad_1] According to a study conducted by CPP Global, a leading provider of conflict management solutions,…

Smiley World: Do People Use Positive Emojis to Hide Negative Expressions?

[ad_1] “As online socializing becomes more prevalent, people have become accustomed to embellishing their expressions and…

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