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Teen Goes Seizure-Free After A Novel Laser Brain Surgery

[ad_1] An innovative laser technology called MRI-guided Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy- a minimally invasive surgery to…

Can Sleep Brain Waves Defend Against Epileptic Activity?

[ad_1] The electrodes had been placed in the patients’ brains to localize abnormal activity and inform…

Epilepsy Classified as a Neurological Condition, Not Psychological

[ad_1] However, it is not a mental disorder, but “neurological”, Dr. Siby Gopinath, Epileptologist and Professor…

How Yoga Helps Epileptics to Cut Anxiety, Seizures & Social Stigma?

[ad_1] “This stigma can affect a person’s life in many ways including treatment, emergency department visits,…

One-Third of Stroke Survivors Experience Epilepsy & Depression

[ad_1] While most healthcare providers focus on the gravity of acute strokes, they often fall short…

Epilepsy and Early Death: Understanding the Varying Risk Factors

[ad_1] Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects people of all ages. The…

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