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Long COVID: Symptoms, Safety & Preventive Strategies

[ad_1] People with “Long COVID” are those who continue to have signs, symptoms, and other health…

Why Diabetics are Highly Prone to Respiratory Infections?

[ad_1] High blood sugar in diabetics impairs the ability of important “dendritic” cell subsets in the…

Japan Faces Alarming Surge in Flu Cases

[ad_1] The National Institute of Infectious Diseases estimated that the number of patients nationwide totaled around…

Respiratory Infections Spike Among Kids in China

[ad_1] A surge in acute respiratory illnesses among children in China was caused by the influenza…

From Inflation to Global Affairs- Americans are Stressed on Holidays

[ad_1] . In addition, 75% of respondents are experiencing stress from rising prices and holiday spending,…

One-Third of Americans Forgo Vaccinations During Flu Season

[ad_1] Along with the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19 has become part of the…

Underutilization of Antiviral Treatment in Pediatric Influenza Cases

[ad_1] “Trends in Outpatient Influenza Antiviral Use Among Children and Adolescents in the United States” was…

Inhaled Monoclonal Antibodies Show Promise Against COVID-19

[ad_1] But this treatment has only been available through an intravenous infusion that has to be…

Willow Bark Offers Next Generation Anti-Viral Drugs

[ad_1] “We need broadly acting and efficient tools to combat the virus load in our everyday…

Japan’s Flu Alert: Persistent High Flu Cases Challenge Health Authorities

[ad_1] In Japan, for the second consecutive week, the average number of flu patients per regularly…

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