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Top 7 Gut-Friendly Indian Foods

[ad_1] Highlights: Probiotic-rich yoghurt, lentils, and fermented foods help to flourish gut microbiome Opt…

Here’s How You Can Use Nutmeg for Effortless Weight Loss

[ad_1] Nutmeg, a centuries-old spice celebrated for its culinary contributions, unveils a hidden dimension: it’s a…

Bioactives in Insoluble Fiber Hold the Key to a Healthier Future

[ad_1] “People understand the need for fiber and how it relates to gut health – an…

How Fruit & Vegetable Microbiomes Benefit Human Gut Health?

[ad_1] However, a team led by Wisnu Adi Wicaksono and Gabriele Berg from the Institute of…

Fermented Foods Like Idli, Yogurt and Kimchi for Diabetes Control

[ad_1] Fermentation is a process where tiny organisms like bacteria, yeast, or fungi change carbs into…

How Stress Strains Your Digestive Health?

[ad_1] Stress affects the stomach’s ability to communicate with the brain, which influences how the gut…

How Can Compounds Reduce the Harmful Side Effects of Antibiotics on Gut Bacteria?

[ad_1] The trillions of microorganisms in the human gut profoundly impact health by aiding digestion, providing…

Common Food Dyes can Cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease

[ad_1] Allura Red (also known as FD&C Red 40 and Food Red 17) is a…

Interplay Between Nature’s Prebiotics and Your Mind

[ad_1] “The results suggest a potential link between gut health and brain function, in this case,…

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