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How Altered Microbiome Can Raise Kidney Stone Formation?

[ad_1] Highlights: Kidney stone disease is associated with alterations in the human microbiome in multiple…

New Therapeutic Food Heals Gut Microbiome of Malnourished Kids

[ad_1] The clinical trial reported in 2021 was conducted by a team of researchers from Washington…

Intricate Dance of Flaxseed, Gut Microbiome, and Breast Cancer Genes

[ad_1] “In this study, we found correlations between diets enriched in flaxseed, cecal microbiota composition, and…

How Gut Bacteria Raise the Risk of Severe Malaria?

[ad_1] IU School of Medicine’s Nathan Schmidt, Ph.D., an associate professor of pediatrics with the Ryan…

How Fruit & Vegetable Microbiomes Benefit Human Gut Health?

[ad_1] However, a team led by Wisnu Adi Wicaksono and Gabriele Berg from the Institute of…

Unlocking the Gut Microbiome’s Influence on Bone Density

[ad_1] Due to the lack of large-scale human studies of the gut microbiome and skeletal health,…

Probiotic can Improve Brain Function in 30 Days

[ad_1] and reduces inflammation. This can lead to improved cognitive function, mood regulation, and stress reduction…

High Fat Diet Changes Gut Microbiome Raising Colorectal Cancer Risk

[ad_1] on August 22, 2023, the team found increased levels of specific gut bacteria in mice…

Researchers Uncover Dietary Links to Microbiome Transformation

[ad_1] Stanislawski collaborated with CU Department of Medicine associate professor Vicki Catenacci, MD, who led a…

Taking Probiotics Along With Antibiotics Reduces Gut Microbiome Damage

[ad_1] Like in a human community, we need people that have different professions because we don’t…

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