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Can Hearing Aids Reduce Mortality Risk?

[ad_1] Highlights: Regular use of hearing aids is associated with a remarkable 24% lower risk…

Can Hearing Aids Reduce Mortality Risk?

[ad_1] Highlights: Regular use of hearing aids is associated with a remarkable 24% lower risk…

Black Carrots : A Nutrient-Rich Cultivar

[ad_1] In the case of purple and black carrots, the dark color indicates a high anthocyanin…

Should You Drink Water in a Copper Vessel?

[ad_1] Copper is an essential trace element required by the human body for various physiological functions.…

Papaya Seeds: The Health Powerhouse We Throw Away

[ad_1] One of the most notable benefits of papaya seeds is their potent antiparasitic and antimicrobial…

Truth of TikTok Trend: Mustard, Cottage Cheese, and Weight Loss?

[ad_1] Not only are they stating that it’s delicious, but many are also claiming that it’s…

One Minute of Exercise to Diminish Cancer Rise

[ad_1] Using information from wrist-worn accelerometers, researchers followed 22,398 non-exercisers’ health records for cancer for nearly…

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