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Can Statins Protect High-Risk Groups from Heart Disease?

[ad_1] “Statins are a first line class of drugs that can lower cholesterol and lower the…

Heart Attack Fatalities Mark 12.5% Increase in 2022

[ad_1] , the trend has made news. Several studies have connected the virus to poor heart…

Boost Heart Health With These Cholesterol-Lowering Drinks

[ad_1] Natural cholesterol reduction is critical for preserving heart health. Adopting a heart-healthy diet rich in…

Guide to Healthy Journeys With Chronic Health Issues

[ad_1] “As we look forward to the holidays, many people will be traveling to spend treasured…

Increased Heart Disease Risk Tied to Food Allergy

[ad_1] An overlooked factor in heart disease, sensitivity to common food allergens like dairy and peanuts…

Coronary Calcium Scores Highly Effective in Identifying Heart Disease Without Known Risk Factors

[ad_1] Findings from the study were presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023 in…

Surprising Link Between Common Food Allergens, IgE Antibodies, and Heart Disease

[ad_1] According to the researchers, this is the first time that IgE antibodies to common meals…

Menopause and Heart Health: Protecting Your Cardiovascular Wellness

[ad_1] “More women in the U.S. are living longer, and a significant portion of them will…

Can High Pregnancy Weight Gain Raise Mortality Risk in the Future?

[ad_1] “We hope that this work leads to greater efforts to identify new, effective, and safe…

How Walking Helps You Stay Healthy & Fit?

[ad_1] Yes, walking workouts can provide many of the same advantages as running does for people…

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