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Heart Disease, Cancer and COVID-19 Top U.S. Death List

[ad_1] The top three causes of death in the United States are heart disease,…

Link Between Obesity and Elevated Bad Cholesterol Heightens Heart Disease Threat

[ad_1] Inflammation linked to obesity exacerbates the dysfunction of ‘bad cholesterol,’ elevating the likelihood of developing…

Does Climbing Five Stair Flights Daily Cut Heart Disease Risk?

[ad_1] Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) along with coronary artery disease and are the leading causes of…

Link Between Cannabis Use Disorder and Heart Problem Risk

[ad_1] Individuals diagnosed with cannabis use disorder face a 60% higher likelihood of experiencing heart diseases…

Global Heart Failure Cases Projected to Exceed 16 Million by 2032

[ad_1] The number of diagnosed prevalent cases of heart failure is expected to experience an annual…

New Recommendations for Lowering Cardiovascular Risk In Diabetic Patients

[ad_1] The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines introduced recommendations to lower the risk of heart…

Unexpected Symptoms of Heart Disease

[ad_1] Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death across the globe,…

Vegetarian’s Guide to A Protein-rich Diet

[ad_1] Chickpea flour, often known as besan, is a high-protein flour prepared from ground chickpeas. It’s…

Experiencing Pain Might be an Alarming Sign For Heart Attack Survivors

[ad_1] According to the American Heart Association, a heart attack happens about every 40 seconds in…

Carotene-Rich Diet: A Recipe for Low-Fat Arteries

[ad_1] Gemma Chiva Blanch headed the research for the IDIBAPS Translational research in diabetes, lipids, and…

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