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Revolutionizing Heart Disease Treatment: 3D Computer Models Improving Interventions

[ad_1] Dr. Hazel Arfah Haley, Interventional Cardiologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, led the…

Heart Disease Patients on Thin Ice With Loneliness

[ad_1] The cardiovascular disease most commonly refers to coronary heart disease, stroke, and other blood vessel…

Pollinator Decline Increases Chronic Diseases: Heres How

[ad_1] A critical missing piece in the biodiversity discussion has been a lack of direct linkages…

Childhood Suffering: A Risk Factor for Heart Diseases

[ad_1] The researchers used data from the Danish LIFE course (DANLIFE) cohort, which includes continuously recorded…

Undetected Heart Diseases can Cause You to go Blind

[ad_1] , an eye disease that can blur your vision leading to blindness is now correlated…

How Does Extreme Heat Impact Cardiovascular Mortality?

[ad_1] Most people adapt to extreme heat, as the body finds ways to cool itself, such…

Second-Ever Pig Heart Transplant Rescues Ailing Patient in the U.S.

[ad_1] In a second historic procedure, surgeons in the United States successfully transplanted a pig heart…

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