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Journey from Fertility to Pregnancy Unveils Potential Risks

[ad_1] Elevated blood sugar during pregnancy is linked to weakened heart health in women undergoing fertility…

Why Are Heart Attacks More Common in Winter?

[ad_1] Highlights: Navigate winter risks with strategies for temperature-induced stress and reduced physical activity …

Rethink Red Wine: Harmful to Heart as Any Other Alcohol

[ad_1] Highlights: Research challenges the notion that red wine is essential for heart health, disputing…

How Does Education Influence Heart Health Decades Later?

[ad_1] To quantify the extent to which education shapes lifetime risk for cardiovascular disease events, such…

Menopause and Heart Health: Protecting Your Cardiovascular Wellness

[ad_1] “More women in the U.S. are living longer, and a significant portion of them will…

Do Not Ignore Low Cholesterol Levels

[ad_1] It emphasizes the necessity of personalized health management and regular check-ups to keep cholesterol levels…

Every Beat Counts: Celebrating World Heart Day 2023

[ad_1] only affects the elderly. The modern sedentary lifestyle, combined with factors like increased stress, unhealthy…

Gender Disparity in Heart Health: Women at 25% Greater Risk of Heart Diseases

[ad_1] Cardiologists say that on the occasion of World Heart Day, everyone has an opportunity to…

Harness the Healing Power of Avocado Seed Tea

[ad_1] Carmelita Lombera, RDN, a registered dietitian based in Sacramento, California, agrees. “Avocado seed tea may…

Modest Reduction in Kidney Function can Raise Health Risks

[ad_1] “The dogma is that healthy, young adults don’t need to worry about kidney function unless…

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