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30-Min Walk Boosts Blood Pressure in Women With Arthritis

[ad_1] In women with hypertension, 30 minutes of physical activity yields significant benefits, correlating with a…

A Tomato a Day can Keep Your Blood Pressure at Bay

[ad_1] Highlights: Consuming tomatoes daily may reduce the risk of hypertension by 36%, owing to…

Cold Truth About Winter’s Silent Threat to the Brain

[ad_1] Warning against the winter chill, doctors highlight the elevated risk of brain stroke and hemorrhage…

Sodium-Based Treatments for High Blood Pressure

[ad_1] A group of researchers has uncovered a method for forecasting individuals likely to respond positively…

India’s Growing NCD Burden Among Children

[ad_1] India is witnessing a notable surge in non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension…

Insomnia-Hypertension Connection Every Woman Should Know

[ad_1] The research, led by Shahab Haghayegh, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Brigham and Harvard…

Renal Revolution in Uncontrolled Hypertension Management

[ad_1] This invasive procedure offers a promising therapy to this targeted population. By targeting the nerves…

Atherosclerosis in Young Adults Curbed by Early Risk Factor Management

[ad_1] This new research was conducted at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), and the…

Antibiotics’ Influence on Gut Microbes and Hypertensive Organ Damage

[ad_1] Polymyxin B treatment (which targets Gram-negative bacteria) showed no significant effect. Blood pressure levels for…

Burnout and Smoking: The Hidden Stroke Triggers

[ad_1] Insufficient physical activity, smoking, and extended periods of sitting during traditional 9 a.m. to 5…

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