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Death Rates Doubled by Chronic Inflammation and Poverty

[ad_1] People with chronic inflammation living in poverty have more than double the risk of dying…

How Stress Triggers Metabolic Syndrome?

[ad_1] Stress, through its tendency to increase inflammation in the body, is associated with causing metabolic…

Perception of Time Influences Physical Healing Process

[ad_1] Perceived time has a significant impact on the actual time it takes to heal physical…

Can Feasting on Turkey Reduce Colitis?

[ad_1] The study was conducted by researchers at Thomas Jefferson University and published in the journal…

Potential Role of Inflammation in Suicide Risk

[ad_1] “As suicide rates continue to rise, we must develop additional evidence-based strategies to address all…

Can Air Pollution Trigger Heart Attacks?

[ad_1] Exacerbation of pre-existing diseases is one of the primary methods by which air pollution can…

Can Red Meat Intake Cause Inflammation?

[ad_1] This new research was conducted by Wood and her team at USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research…

Can B12 Deficiency Be a Trigger for Chronic Inflammation?

[ad_1] A significant association has been established between a deficiency in vitamin B12 and the occurrence…

Battling Long COVID-19 With Dietary Solutions

[ad_1] New clinical research from USC’s Keck Medicine is now looking into whether a diet meant…

Itching and Healing: The Future for Eczema and Allergy Patients

[ad_1] Previous approaches suggested that IL-31 signals itch and promotes skin inflammation. However, the UCSF team…

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