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Diabetes Drug Liraglutide Raises Insulin Sensitivity Independent of Weight Loss

[ad_1] Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist, a drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes…

Fermented Foods Like Idli, Yogurt and Kimchi for Diabetes Control

[ad_1] Fermentation is a process where tiny organisms like bacteria, yeast, or fungi change carbs into…

Diabetes-Fighting Power of Dark Tea

[ad_1] “Our findings hint at the protective effects of habitual tea drinking on blood sugar management…

Diabetes-Fighting Power of Dark Tea

[ad_1] “Our findings hint at the protective effects of habitual tea drinking on blood sugar management…

Do You also Crave Specific Food During Your Periods?

[ad_1] These cravings, often for carbohydrates and sweets like ice cream, fries, grilled cheese sandwiches, and…

Anti-Obesity Drug Liraglutide Enhances Associative Learning!

[ad_1] Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research have now measured how well the…

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