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‘You’ve Got Mail’ Turns 25! Inside Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan’s Chemistry

[ad_1] Dial up the old modem because You’ve Got Mail is 25! To celebrate, ET is…

Billy Crystal Returns to Katz’s Deli for 1st Time Since Famous Scene

[ad_1] Billy Crystal is revisiting the site of pop culture history. The actor recently dined at Katz’s…

Julia Roberts Says Meg Ryan Almost Played Her ‘Steel Magnolias’ Role

[ad_1] Julia Roberts is now an on-screen legend, playing some of the most memorable leading ladies…

Meg Ryan Defends Son Jack Quaid From Nepo Baby Label

[ad_1] Meg Ryan is not here for anyone trying to call her and ex-husband Dennis Quaid‘s…

Meg Ryan on Her 8-Year Hiatus and Not Being a ‘Good Famous Person’

[ad_1] Meg Ryan is sharing why she stepped away from Hollywood for nearly a decade, and how…

‘What Happens Later’ Trailer: See Meg Ryan’s Rom-Com Return

[ad_1] Meg Ryan is channeling her rom-com roots. The When Harry Met Sally star is endearing…

Billy Crystal Recreates ‘When Harry Met Sally’ Look 33 Years Later

[ad_1] Billy Crystal Recreates ‘When Harry Met Sally’ Look 33 Years Later for His 75th Birthday…

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