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Early Mpox Antiviral Shows Promise in HIV Patients

[ad_1] Administering the antiviral tecovirimat (Tpoxx) within 7 days of mpox symptom onset is linked to…

906 New Mpox Cases Across 26 Countries in November

[ad_1] The World Health Organization (WHO) reported a surge in Mpox (monkeypox) instances, recording 906 new…

Mpox Traced Back to 2016 Before 2022 Global Outbreak

[ad_1] For the study, the international team of researchers including from the UK, Switzerland, Nigeria and…

Lab-Grown Skin Sheds Light on Mysteries of Mpox Virus Infection

[ad_1] People infected with the mpox virus typically develop rashes and skin lesions, often leading to…

Global Spread of Mpox Virus Persists: Cases Reported in China and Thailand

[ad_1] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Mpox, previously referred to as Monkeypox, is still…

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