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Early-Stage Stem Cell Trial for Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

[ad_1] Over 2 million people live with MS worldwide, and while treatments exist that can reduce…

Coffee and its Role in Neurodegenerative Disorders

[ad_1] A team led by Jyotish Kumar, a doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry and…

Nematodes Have Revulsion to Odor That Adds Years to Life

[ad_1] , few cells and genes, many of which have the same functions as our own,…

Nematodes Have Odor That Adds Years to Life

[ad_1] The advantages include a simple nervous system, few cells and genes, many of which have…

Links Between Immunity, Aging, and Neurodegeneration Explored

[ad_1] cGAS/STING is a molecular signaling pathway that detects the presence of DNA in cells. It…

How Rare Cells Play Key Role in Multiple Sclerosis

[ad_1] FIND-seq method isolates and analyzes rare cells (astrocytes) of interest that drive central nervous system…

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