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JN.1 Variant Shines in Omicron Breakthrough

[ad_1] The human immune system, when exposed to a breakthrough infection caused by the Omicron variant,…

COVID JN.1 Variant Alert: Anxiety & Sleep Issues on the Rise

[ad_1] Highlights: The new COVID JN.1 variant, evolved from Omicron, has seen a global upsurge…

US Reports 50% COVID Cases Linked to JN.1 Variant

[ad_1] The prevalent variant in the US is now the highly transmissible JN.1, a descendant of…

JN.1 COVID Variant Has More Mutations Than Its Predecessor

[ad_1] The new strain of COVID-19–JN.1 subvariant has several mutations that have never been observed in…

COVID-19 Cases Surge: Global Increase by 52% Within One Month

[ad_1] Over the past month, there has been a 52 percent rise in the worldwide count…

JN.1 Impact on India’s COVID Cases, Unlikely Big Wave

[ad_1] Health experts reassure that despite the increase in COVID-19 cases in India, likely due to…

T-cells Can Fight BA.2.86 COVID Variant

[ad_1] “There’s a concern that a virus with such a high number of mutations would ‘escape’…

Can Green Tea Battle Omicron Sub Variants?

[ad_1] Chemicals in these teas bind to the spike protein on the surface of the COVID-19…

Faster Replication of Contagious BA.5 COVID-19 Strain Early in Infection

[ad_1] “One of the things we found is that the strain that causes more pathology, BA.5,…

New COVID-19 Variants BA.2.86 and EG.5.1 Not a Threat to Indians

[ad_1] Amid new COVID-19 concerns, experts assure that the newly identified Omicron sub-variants, BA.2.86 and EG.5.1,…

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