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How Do Steroid Creams Influence Bone Health?

[ad_1] Increased amounts of topical corticosteroids, frequently employed in managing inflammatory skin issues, were found to…

How Forever Chemicals are Tied to Poor Bone Health in Teens?

[ad_1] Most of those studies have focused on older, non-Hispanic white participants and only collected data…

Link Between Diabetes and Deteriorating Bone Health

[ad_1] Diabetes is increasingly recognized as a significant risk to bone health, causing a decline in…

Osteoporosis in Youth: The Silent Consequence of Modern Lifestyles

[ad_1] Osteoporosis hits younger Indians due to sedentary habits and steroid misuse. Experts raise alarms over…

‘Build Better Bones’ Platform Expands Multilingual Osteoporosis Support

[ad_1] by falling from a standing height, ‘Build Better Bones’ also gives insights into fall prevention…

Osteoporosis Prevalence: India Leads Worldwide

[ad_1] According to Dr. Sai Laxman Anne, Chief Consultant Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon, KIMS Hospitals,…

World Osteoporosis Day: Let’s Build Better Bones

[ad_1] Osteoporosis is a condition that leads to the weakening of bones, making them…

India’s Salty Affair: Most Indians Are Silently Overdosing on Salt by 3 Grams

[ad_1] Similarly, employed persons (8.6g), current tobacco users (8.3g), obese people (9.2g), and those with high…

NELL-1 Protein Aids to Reduce Bone Loss in Astronauts

[ad_1] The team enhanced NELL-1’s therapeutic potential by extending the molecule’s half-life from 5.5 hours to…

Unlocking the Gut Microbiome’s Influence on Bone Density

[ad_1] Due to the lack of large-scale human studies of the gut microbiome and skeletal health,…

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