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Fitness in Youth Predicts Health in Middle Age: A 45-Year Study

[ad_1] Highlights: Low cardio respiratory fitness in youth linked to increased cardio metabolic risks up…

Wearable Technology Tops Fitness Trends for 2024

[ad_1] Highlights: Wearable technology tops the health survey conducted by the American College of Sports…

Transformative Power of Light Physical Activity

[ad_1] Direct links exist between childhood obesity and prolonged sedentary time from childhood to adolescence; however,…

How Does Abdominal Obesity Impact Female Infertility?

[ad_1] Highlights: Large waist circumference associated with abdominal obesity can cause female infertility. One cm…

A Sweat for Health: Exercise Benefits Breast Cancer Patients

[ad_1] Researchers have previously assessed the effects of exercise programs on patients with less advanced cancer,…

How Exercise Improves Obesity-Linked Dementia?

[ad_1] The study states, that voluntary exercise training (VET) improves long-term memory in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced…

Immune System’s Role in Unveiling Exercise Benefits Revealed

[ad_1] The immune system might contribute to, at least in part, the positive impacts of exercise.…

Every Beat Counts: Celebrating World Heart Day 2023

[ad_1] only affects the elderly. The modern sedentary lifestyle, combined with factors like increased stress, unhealthy…

Why Heart Attacks Surge Among School-Aged Children?

[ad_1] Riddhi and Atif are not the lone victims, as, in the recent past, many young…

Reduced Sleep & Activity During Pregnancy Linked to Premature Birth Risk

[ad_1] , and can tell how far along a patient’s pregnancy is,” said senior study author…

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