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Pneumonia Outbreak as Typical Occurrence, Asserts Expert

[ad_1] Upon request from the the World Health Organization (WHO), Chinese officials informed that no new…

Child Pneumonia Spike: Massachusetts Marks Second U.S. State

[ad_1] As instances of enigmatic pneumonia in children increase globally, Massachusetts has joined as the second…

White Lung Syndrome: Bacterial Pneumonia Sweeping the Globe

[ad_1] White Lung Syndrome has reached alarming proportions, notably reaching ‘epidemic levels’ in Denmark, with parallels…

China Pneumonia Outbreak Not Linked to New Virus

[ad_1] The current pneumonia outbreak affecting young children in China isn’t attributed to a novel virus,…

Pneumonia Vaccine Found Effective in Macaques

[ad_1] , the prevalence of pneumococcal pneumonia remains high. Currently, and the increase in pneumococcal infections…

Respiratory Infections Spike Among Kids in China

[ad_1] A surge in acute respiratory illnesses among children in China was caused by the influenza…

Indian Doctors Urge Heightened Surveillance Amid China’s Pneumonia Cases

[ad_1] Doctors, however, called for educating the public on preventive measures such as hand hygiene, influenza…

Unidentified Pneumonia Grips Chinese Schools: Echoes of COVID Crisis

[ad_1] crisis, has triggered a surge in hospital admissions, casting a foreboding shadow over the nation’s…

One-Third of Americans Forgo Vaccinations During Flu Season

[ad_1] Along with the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19 has become part of the…

Understanding Pneumonia: A Call to Action on World Pneumonia Day

[ad_1] Only 22% express worry about the possibility of contracting pneumonia, a sentiment that persists even…

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