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Indian Kids Grapple With Micronutrient Deficiency & Anemia

[ad_1] In India, 6 out of 10 children aged under-5 suffer from micronutrient deficiencies and 4…

Journey from Fertility to Pregnancy Unveils Potential Risks

[ad_1] Elevated blood sugar during pregnancy is linked to weakened heart health in women undergoing fertility…

Blood Test Discovers Fetal Genetic Disorders

[ad_1] A groundbreaking screening test, desNIPT, has proven effective in detecting fetal gene changes, pivotal in…

How Do High Folic Acid and Low B12 Affect Fetal Brain Growth?

[ad_1] Folate, a crucial B vitamin, is vital in preventing neural tube defects like spina bifida.…

Does Mediterranean Diet Supplements Improve IVF Success Rate?

[ad_1] Highlights: Mediterranean diet supplements consumed before and during IVF or in vitro fertilization treatment…

How Tracing Uterine Fibroids Growth Open Novel Therapeutics?

[ad_1] Hormonal imbalance has long been assumed to be the cause of uterine fibroids that result…

Do Chemicals Found in Beauty Products Affect Fertility?

[ad_1] Exposure to “phthalates,” commonly found in household items like shampoo, makeup, vinyl flooring, toys, and…

Safe Paths to Motherhood for HR-Positive Breast Cancer Survivors

[ad_1] “With the increasing age of childbearing, it is becoming more likely that women will be…

Maternal Inflammation’s Impact on Childhood Mental Health

[ad_1] “Dysregulation” in this context refers to children’s attention, anxiety depression, and aggression being measurably different…

Post-Pregnancy Maternal Wellness: Navigating Health Problems After Childbirth

[ad_1] Postpartum health is a crucial aspect following childbirth and pregnancy. Every year, a…

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