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Pregnant Women’s Exposure to ‘Forever Chemicals’ Linked to Higher Risk of Childhood Obesity

[ad_1] While this link has been suggested in previous research, the data has been inconclusive. The…

From Stress to Success: The Cortisol Connection!

[ad_1] Language development during early childhood can indicate how well a baby’s nervous system was developed…

Every Sixth Person is Affected by Infertility, Says a WHO Report

[ad_1] The latest findings suggest that the prevalence of infertility varies only a little among areas.…

The Worlds First Artificial Womb Facility Gives a Sneak Peek at Pregnancy in the Future

[ad_1] Louise Brown of the United Kingdom gave birth to the world’s first IVF baby in…

India’s Biggest Health Pageant for To-be-mothers at Hyderabad

[ad_1] One purpose that drove the beginning of Cuddles Mrs. MOM’s story is to encourage normal…

Obesity Poses Higher Heart Disease Risk Than Pregnancy Complications

[ad_1] that is already there,” Khan added. The researchers followed 4,216 first-time pregnant individuals from the…

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