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Boost Your Immunity: 8 Steps to Stay Fit and Active

[ad_1] Highlights: Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette are crucial in preventing the spread of illness…

Artificial Intelligence Enhances Patient Outcomes and Preventive Care

[ad_1] Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare is vast, revolutionizing personalized patient care, and boosting…

National Handwashing Awareness Week: Promoting Effective Hand Hygiene

[ad_1] Semmelweis’s work laid the foundation for understanding the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare settings.…

News Alert: 10 Myths About HIV/AIDS Busted

[ad_1] It is a bloodborne virus and is transmitted through specific bodily fluids, such as blood,…

Rising Threat of Heart Attacks in Today’s Youth

[ad_1] In recent years, there has been a concerning uptick in the number of…

Stroke Will Claim 10 Million Lives Each Year by 2050

[ad_1] Stroke, a potentially preventable and treatable disorder, could cause approximately 10 million deaths…

World Osteoporosis Day: Let’s Build Better Bones

[ad_1] Osteoporosis is a condition that leads to the weakening of bones, making them…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Uniting the World in Pink

[ad_1] October is painted in shades of pink, symbolizing a global unity that isn’t…

Early Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis can Take Away 14 Years of Your Life

[ad_1] The findings, which were published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, underscore the…

Breathing Easy: Tackling India’s Respiratory Health Crisis on World Lung Day

[ad_1] A survey by Lung India attributes the significant risk factor to tobacco use, while factors…

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