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Swap Pulses For Protein & Grains for a Nutritious American Diet

[ad_1] Results showed an improved nutritional profile of the diet. Specifically, the addition of about .…

Underwater Crisis Due to Climate Change Evident in Seafoods

[ad_1] “Low-income countries and the global south, where seafood is central to diets and has the…

Nutrition Myths Vs Facts: Unveiling the Athlete Diet Truths

[ad_1] There is no reason to feel bad if you snack after 6 p.m. There is…

Vegetarian’s Guide to A Protein-rich Diet

[ad_1] Chickpea flour, often known as besan, is a high-protein flour prepared from ground chickpeas. It’s…

Smart Swaps for Stronger Bones

[ad_1] New study confirms the safety of replacing red meat with legumes for bone health and…

Do Collagen Supplements Live Up to the Hype?

[ad_1] But do collagen supplements live up to their claims? Here’s what science has to say.…

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