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The Life Saving Battery Heart of Sofia Hart

[ad_1] The LVAD assists the left side of her heart in pumping blood, compensating for the…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Uniting the World in Pink

[ad_1] October is painted in shades of pink, symbolizing a global unity that isn’t…

A Guide for World Mental Health Day: Understanding Key Mental Health Terms

[ad_1] This is a guide of a few terms that can help you put your feelings…

Healing Power of Psilocybin: Microdosing Therapy Via Magic Mushrooms

[ad_1] Traditionally, patients undergo a meticulously guided therapeutic process that involves thorough preparation, followed by the…

Pandemic Spurs Nurse Intentions to Quit Despite Resilience

[ad_1] Nurses’ work demands, including staffing levels and appropriate compensation, have sparked discussion everywhere in the…

Closer Look at the Happy Side of Arthritis

[ad_1] , and more than half (56%) are happy and in excellent mental health. The definition…

Nasal Tracts Considered Young Heroes During COVID-19 Pandemic

[ad_1] It’s not that kids don’t get infected. They do. More than 90 percent of kids…

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