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Surge in Respiratory Infections Grips Europe

[ad_1] A prominent WHO official urges caution amid the increasing instances of respiratory diseases in Europe.…

Indoors Unveiled as Key Players in Respiratory Health

[ad_1] Vital role of indoor microorganisms and metabolites in understanding the environmental factors behind prevalent respiratory…

Pneumonia Outbreak as Typical Occurrence, Asserts Expert

[ad_1] Upon request from the the World Health Organization (WHO), Chinese officials informed that no new…

UK Sees Surge in ‘100-Day Cough’ Cases

[ad_1] According to a report, there’s a notable increase in contagious ‘100-day cough’ cases in the…

Child Pneumonia Spike: Massachusetts Marks Second U.S. State

[ad_1] As instances of enigmatic pneumonia in children increase globally, Massachusetts has joined as the second…

From Inflation to Global Affairs- Americans are Stressed on Holidays

[ad_1] . In addition, 75% of respondents are experiencing stress from rising prices and holiday spending,…

Inhaled Monoclonal Antibodies Show Promise Against COVID-19

[ad_1] But this treatment has only been available through an intravenous infusion that has to be…

Universal Access to Lung Care: World Lung Day

[ad_1] World Lung Day is a symbol of compassion, urging us to value the gift of…

Unhealthy Eating as a Student Can Lead to a Lifetime of Illness

[ad_1] Dr. Joan Bottorff, Professor of Nursing at UBCO, is one of several worldwide researchers who…

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