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17% Surge in Respiratory Health Concerns After New Year’s

[ad_1] Highlights: As the nation ushers in the new year, there is an alarming increase…

Ayurveda’s Guide to a Healthier Winter

[ad_1] Discover Ayurveda’s natural remedies to combat seasonal disorders. From Chyawanprash to herbal teas, embrace holistic…

Mulethi: Ayurvedic Secrets for Seasonal Healing

[ad_1] Do you suffer from seasonal symptoms such as a cold, cough, fever, or…

DIY Steam Therapy and Healing Benefits of Herbs

[ad_1] A do-it-yourself therapy is the most popular way of steam inhalation. Lynn Gershan, M.D., a…

Tips to Safeguard Your Health During Morning Walks

[ad_1] Morning walks are an important part of many people’s exercise regimens. They help…

Breathing Easy: Tackling India’s Respiratory Health Crisis on World Lung Day

[ad_1] A survey by Lung India attributes the significant risk factor to tobacco use, while factors…

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