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Prior Exposure to Common Cold Boosts Defense Against COVID-19

[ad_1] Cross-reactive T cells, trained by exposure to common cold coronaviruses, are crucial in combatting SARS-CoV-2,…

Immune Cell Discovery Opens New Avenues in Cancer and Viral Defense

[ad_1] Newly discovered immune cell has a remarkable ability to target and eliminate cancer cells and…

SARS-CoV-2’s Becomes a New Normal Among Respiratory Viruses

[ad_1] Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious-diseases expert at the University of East Anglia was quoted as…

One Vaccine, Three Viruses: A Triumph Against Deadly Strains of Coronavirus

[ad_1] Saunders and colleagues built the tri-valent vaccine using a nanoparticle loaded with a key fragment…

Long COVID Vs Acute Respiratory Infections: Analyzing Long Colds

[ad_1] Long COVID causes ‘long cold’ symptoms that include coughing, stomach pain, and diarrhea more than…

Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Through Innovation

[ad_1] ); however, none proved effective in efficiently neutralizing the virus. Simultaneously, various teams extracted antibodies…

Navigating the Long-Term Impact of COVID-19

[ad_1] “While many people’s long COVID-19 symptoms improve slowly over time, this can take years, and…

Can COVID-19 Fuse Your Brain Cells?

[ad_1] The Queensland Brain Institute’s Professor Massimo Hilliard and Dr. Ramon Martinez-Marmol have studied how viruses…

Dysphagia Has Emerged as ‘Top’ Clinical Symptom Among COVID-19 Patients

[ad_1] The SARS-CoV-2 infection has been linked to an estimated 360 million illnesses and 5.6 million…

Nasal Tracts Considered Young Heroes During COVID-19 Pandemic

[ad_1] It’s not that kids don’t get infected. They do. More than 90 percent of kids…

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