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Diabetes Drug Liraglutide Raises Insulin Sensitivity Independent of Weight Loss

[ad_1] Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist, a drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes…

Brisk Walking: A Simple Step Towards Lowering Type 2 Diabetes Risk

[ad_1] Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine last month, new research reveals an association…

How Nutrition Overcomes Anxiety, Depression & Diabetes?

[ad_1] These findings were from two literature reviews by Assistant Professor Raedeh Basiri of George Mason…

Increased Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Children

[ad_1] Health professionals at King George’s Medical University (KGMU) have noted a growing susceptibility of children…

PM2.5 Pollution Elevates the Threat of Diabetes in Urban India

[ad_1] PM2.5 particles, which are 30 times thinner than a strand of hair, can enter the…

India Secures Second Place in Global Diabetes Estimates

[ad_1] According to Praveen Kumar Kulkarni, Senior Consultant and Internal Medicine Specialist, KIMS Hospitals, Hyderabad, “Diabetes…

High Urinary Albumin in Type 2 Diabetics Tied to Cardiovascular Risk

[ad_1] Positron emission tomography(PET) and computed tomography(CT) scans were the imaging methods used. Results from the…

Bioactives in Insoluble Fiber Hold the Key to a Healthier Future

[ad_1] “People understand the need for fiber and how it relates to gut health – an…

Harvard’s Diabetes Risk Reduction Tips

[ad_1] Published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this research was spearheaded by scholars from…

Voice Technology’s Power Unveils New Era in Diabetes Detection

[ad_1] The new study outlines how scientists used six to 10 seconds of people’s voice, along…

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