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Virtual Reality – The New AI Buddy For Autistic People

[ad_1] While most people primarily associate virtual reality headsets with interactive video games, a recent study…

Virtual Reality Goggles Provide New Horizons for Brain Research

[ad_1] It marks the first time researchers have used a VR system to simulate an overhead…

Can Virtual Reality Be the Antidote for Fear and Phobias?

[ad_1] In VR experiments, researchers, led by Ai Koizumi, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, showed that humans…

VR and 3D Tech Save Toddler’s Kidneys from Cancer

[ad_1] Initially, the plan was to remove both kidneys due to the presence of tumors, but…

Virtual Reality: The Decluttering Toolkit for Hoarding Disorder

[ad_1] Hoarding disorder is an under-recognized and under-treated condition that has been included in the Diagnostic…

AI, Simulations, and Extended Reality Redefine Cardiovascular Care

[ad_1] Clinicians use a variety of imaging techniques, including MRI, CT and echocardiogram, to assess a…

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