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How Walking Helps You Stay Healthy & Fit?

[ad_1] Yes, walking workouts can provide many of the same advantages as running does for people…

Daily 7,000 Steps Could Reduce Blood Pressure in Elderly

[ad_1] The team focused the study on a group of 21 sedentary older adults between ages…

Walkable Communities Hike Health for Mom and Baby

[ad_1] Walking is often recommended as a safer, more moderate activity for pregnant women, so the…

Walking 4,000 Steps Daily Reduces the Risk of Death

[ad_1] , revealed that walking 3,967 steps per day reduces the chance of death from any…

Enhancing Cancer Survival: The Power of Yoga and Walking

[ad_1] Following the conclusion of the trial, the subjects underwent a battery of blood tests. The…

Beyond the Campus: Contrasting Realities Revealed!

[ad_1] Sobering truth about foot travel in the United States emerges from international statistics, highlighting the…

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