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Diabetes Drug Liraglutide Raises Insulin Sensitivity Independent of Weight Loss

[ad_1] Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist, a drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes…

How Does Long-Term Low-Carb Diet Impact Weight Profile?

[ad_1] Highlights: Low-carb diets (LCD) are rich in proteins and fats with fewer carbohydrates and…

Here’s How You Can Use Nutmeg for Effortless Weight Loss

[ad_1] Nutmeg, a centuries-old spice celebrated for its culinary contributions, unveils a hidden dimension: it’s a…

Intermittent Energy Restriction and the Lasting Weight Loss Symphony

[ad_1] In tackling obesity worldwide, intermittent energy restriction (IER) triggers coordinated shifts in the brain-gut microbiome…

Obesity Drug Set to Exceed Ozempic With $27B Sales by 2029

[ad_1] Eli Lilly’s Mounjaro is positioned to outpace Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic (semaglutide) and claim the top…

7 Healthy Flours for Weight Loss

[ad_1] Jowar’s nutritional benefits include lowering blood sugar, promoting heart health, and relieving digestive issues. It’s…

Bajra Aka Pearl Millet Can Make Your Winter Diet Healthy

[ad_1] Pearl millet plays a pivotal role in strengthening the immune system. With abundant nutrients, it…

Health Secrets of Skipping for Maintaining Fitness Levels

[ad_1] Beyond being a fashion statement, a flat belly signifies heart health. Skipping rope, according to…

7 Super Tips to Lose Weight in Winter

[ad_1] Winters bring festivities, celebrations, and colors. And of course, a cozy temperature…

Best Detox Teas to Boost Metabolism and Shed Pounds

[ad_1] When consumed daily, detox tea, as the name implies, aids in the removal of toxins…

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