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Talent-starved tech companies see Twitter layoffs as a rare opportunity – Technology Org


For Elon Musk, laying off half of Twitter’s staff is a blunt way to save on operational costs. For other tech companies, this is a gold mine.

A software developer - illustrative image.

A software developer – illustrative photo. Image credit: Innovalabs via Pixabay, free license

At least several technology firms have already announced offers to hire former Twitter employees. Recruitment slogans emphasize the possibility to meet an “entirely different work culture”.

After taking over Twitter, Elon Musk started restructuring his new property by firing top executives. Drastic job cuts followed, which were implemented extremely rapidly and with little warning. According to industry estimates, about 3,700 employees have been forced to quit, with hundreds more who left in the wake of new fundamental reforms.

A large part of this newly-available workforce consists of exceptionally skilled and talented specialists. No wonder that some companies are looking for ways to lure this talent to their side, quite openly calling this a once-in-a-decade opportunity.

“As a leader, getting criticized is part of your job. Great leaders recognize debate and disagreement makes you better and is part of the process. If you want a place where you can disagree (in a kind, clear manner of course) with people, HubSpot is hiring,” posted Katie Burke, chief people officer at Hubspot. Her post on Linkedin already earned nearly 38,000 positive reactions and hundreds of comments and reposts.

Hubspot is not the only emphasizing different corporate culture. Some CEOs are directly criticizing Musk’s approach to the management of the business environment, calling his methods “disturbing”.

For example, Amanda Richardson, CEO of recruitment software startup CoderPad, said that recent Twitter changes were “terribly frustrating, depressing and demotivating”. “At CoderPad, we believe your skills say it all. Not where you sit. Not if you sleep at work. Not working 7 days a week for 18 hours a day,” she wrote in her open letter to former Twitter staff.

Michael Weening, CEO of Calix, responded similarly and also emphasized that newly hired ex-Twitter employees would have the possibility to transition from “toxic culture” to a different level that “starts with our team members”.

“From our perspective this is a great opportunity, as people who would not speak to us before are disillusioned and looking. The toxic culture has people saying, ‘No more,’” Michael Weening said in his interview with Reuters.

Staff layoffs lately have been seen by big tech companies, such as Meta and Amazon, as a quick way to increase profitability in the uncertain economic environment. But recent reports from market analytics companies clearly indicate that demand for a skilled digital workforce is at an all-time high.


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