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Tamil Nadu BJP chief Annamalai State govt. to regularise employment of nurses engaged during COVID-19


Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai.

Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai.
| Photo Credit: M. Vedhan

Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party president K. Annamalai on Saturday strongly condemned the State government for not extending the contract of roughly 6,000 nurses employed temporarily during COVID-19.

These nurses were engaged for a monthly salary of ₹ 14,000 per month and their contract, after few extensions, came to an end on Saturday. In a statement, Mr. Annamalai said that the decision to not extent the contract has come as a rude shock to the nurses on the new year.

He alleged that the DMK government has gone back on its promise that the employment of these nurses would be regularised. Pointing out that the selfless service and contribution of these nurses were crucial in the fight against COVID-19, Mr. Annamalai said that his party would launch a massive protest in support of the nurses if the government did not reinstate them.

He further alleged that the State government has been “cheating” the youngsters in the State by promising the creation of 10 lakh jobs a year. He said that contrary to its poll promise of filling all vacancies in government offices, the State government has even delayed the conduct and later the publication of results of the Tamil Nadu Public Services Commission’s Group IV exams.

TMC condemns

Tamil Maanila Congress president G.K. Vasan in a statement urged the State government to extend the service of the nurses, considering their livelihood and their immense service during COVID-19. With the possible threat of another wave of COVID-19, he said that the services of these nurses would be essential.


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