Expressing concern over the alleged failing law and order situation in Andhra Pradesh, activists of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) staged a protest at Thathayagunta Gangamma temple in Tirupati on Tuesday.
The protesters adorned neem leaves and carried ‘Veyyi Kannula Duttha’, i.e., sacred pots containing holes, on their heads, which is the traditional practice followed while fulfilling a vow during the annual folk festival ‘Gangamma Jatara’ observed in the month of May.
Senior leader R.C. Munikrishna, who is the party’s lone corporator in the municipal corporation, claimed that nearly 150 TDP workers were killed in the last four years for questioning the ruling party’s land scam and sand mafia.
Referring to the recent Macherla incident, he said the ruling party leaders got irked after getting an inkling on the TDP’s rising popularity among the public. The leaders said the party cadre would not be cowed down by such threatening acts and vowed to retaliate.
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