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Telangana latest news developments today


Komatireddy Venkata Reddy.

Komatireddy Venkata Reddy.
| Photo Credit: The Hindu

Here are the key news developments from Telangana to watch out for today

  1. Congress MP of Nalgonda Komatireddy Venkat Reddy is to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi today. The MP’s younger brother Rajagopal Reddy who was also a Congress legislator had joined the BJP and contested on a BJP ticket in a byelection recently. Mr. Venkat Reddy’s meeting assumes significance in the aftermath of a Musi River cleanup project worth ₹3,000 crore which will be implemented in his constituency.  
  2. Telugu Desam president N. Chandrababu Naidu to address the valedictory of twenty years celebrations of Hyderabad campus of Indian School of Business.

Read more news from Telangana here.


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