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Top Kerala News developments today


Kerala High Court. File

Kerala High Court. File
| Photo Credit: The Hindu

Here are the important developments from Kerala to watch out for today

1. The multi disciplinary team deputed by the Union MoHFW to investigate the measles outbreak in Malapppuram and suggest containment measures is expected to report to the Principal Secretary, Health and later undertake field visits.

2. The Kerala High Court is likely to take up a suo motu case initiated on a report of special charges fixed by the Railway for special trains for Sabarimala pilgrims.

3. Police take 3 people into custody in connection with the murder of two CPI(M) workers in Thalassery, allegedly by the drug mafia.

4. Former President Pratibha Patil is at Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, Malappuram for Ayurvedic treatment.

Read more news from Kerala here.


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