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Works to revamp Secunderabad station begin, Oct. 2025 deadline set


Work on modernisation of Secunderabad railway station gains momentum.

Work on modernisation of Secunderabad railway station gains momentum.

The ₹699-crore Secunderabad station modernisation work has begun with the topography survey completed and soil testing taken up at different sites across the station in recent days. The project is being executed on the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode by Girdharilal Construction Private Limited and is targeted for completion within 36 months by October, 2025.

South Central Railway (SCR) officials informed on Tuesday that IIT Delhi has been appointed as the ‘proof consultant’ to evaluate the upcoming structure design of the building as also the lead design director, safety consultant and proof consultant to finalise the design aspects within time.

The topographic survey has been done to identify the elevation of the surface proposed at different levels like basement, ground, mezzanine, first and second floor levels. The work will help in creating a 3D figure for construction of the proposed building structure, sky concourse, foot over bridges and others

A few old railway quarters have been demolished to make way for the proposed new buildings of RPF armory and cash guard. The geo-technic investigation or soil exploration will help in constructing the foundations suitably. A site office along with a laboratory has been established on the south side of the existing station building which handles more than 20 million passengers.

General Manager Arun Kumar Jain has said works are being closely monitored at all levels and the major objective of the station upgradation is to redevelop and regenerate city core area with multi-modal integration and seamless movement of passengers. The proposed new building will have convenient pick-up and drop-off areas for the passengers, adequate parking facility, while decongesting the circulating area, said a press release.


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