To improve connectivity near the LAC in Arunachal Pradesh, the government has decided to install more mobile towers, a senior official of the Tawang district said on December 21.
The development came after the India-China clash at Yangtse on December 9.
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Tawang Deputy Commissioner K.N. Damo said BSNL and Bharti Airtel would install 23 new mobile towers to improve connectivity.
“The existing towers were not giving the desired services, causing problems not only for the defence forces but also the civilians living along the border,” he said.
Earlier, there was no mobile network in the border areas but the situation has changed now with residents enjoying internet service and mobile connectivity even at Bum-La and Y-Junction but more improvement is needed, he added.
“Defence areas have been given priority for the installations, while civilian areas such as Mago, Chuna and Niliya [near Zemithang] have been not neglected either,” Mr. Damo said.
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The district administration had asked for 43 new towers, he said.
The officer said that all preparations are in place for installing the new towers, but winter would pose a challenge, which might get the process delayed.
Though the hilltops of the district have been receiving snowfall, the headquarters town witnessed snowfall first time on Sunday night with the mercury plummeting to -3 degrees Celsius.
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