Alarming Rise of Non-COVID Deaths Among Diabetics Amid Pandemic

[ad_1] The COVID pandemic saw a rise in non-COVID-related hospital admissions and deaths among diabetic individuals,…

Addressing the Cervical Cancer Crisis in India: Urgent Steps Needed

[ad_1] Highlights: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Indian women, contributing to…

Journey from Fertility to Pregnancy Unveils Potential Risks

[ad_1] Elevated blood sugar during pregnancy is linked to weakened heart health in women undergoing fertility…

How Women’s Tears Influence Men?

[ad_1] Women’s tears contain chemicals that, when sniffed, significantly decrease aggression-related brain activity in men, leading…

Why Alcohol Poses Greater Risks for Women

[ad_1] Alcohol, though commonly enjoyed by men and women, poses greater health risks for…

Insomnia-Hypertension Connection Every Woman Should Know

[ad_1] The research, led by Shahab Haghayegh, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Brigham and Harvard…

Post-Pregnancy Maternal Wellness: Navigating Health Problems After Childbirth

[ad_1] Postpartum health is a crucial aspect following childbirth and pregnancy. Every year, a…

How Contraceptive Pills Impact Women’s Emotion Regulation?

[ad_1] Lead researcher Alexandra Brouillard, from Universit du Qubec Montral, highlighted the findings, stating, “Our study…

Unveiling the Complex Spectrum of Female Attraction

[ad_1] . “Our data indicate that strength and humor are independent in their influence on women’s…

Over 63% of Indian Women’s Cancer Deaths Preventable

[ad_1] Verna Vanderpuye, co-chair of the commission and a senior consultant at the National Center for…