Why Women Participate Less in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation?

[ad_1] This first global comparative study into barriers to using CR in men and women assesses…

Lung Cancer’s Genetic Ties: Women at the Forefront

[ad_1] Women are more likely than males to be genetically prone to lung cancer,…

Turning Data into Diagnosis: AI and ML to Transform PCOS Detection

[ad_1] This conclusion arises from a recent study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH),…

Nutrition Advice can Enhance Fertility Therapies for Female Cancer Survivors

[ad_1] , researchers conducted in-depth interviews with young, female cancer survivors with fertility challenges to collect…

Pre-eclampsia Or Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Escalates Aging

[ad_1] Delivery, the only available therapy, is not the cure it is often made out to…

Is Delaying Your Period Using Contraceptives Dangerous?

[ad_1] While period stains shouldn’t be a cause for embarrassment, most people would prefer to avoid…

Food for Flow : 5 Superfoods for Period Cravings

[ad_1] Women may crave cake or other sweet foods during their periods due to hormonal changes…

5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Menstrual Cycle

[ad_1] It is crucial for women to be mindful of their menstrual cycles and comprehend the…

India’s Growing Obesity Epidemic: Visceral Fat and Fatty Liver

[ad_1] , with men more commonly affected than women. These findings are based on data from…

“Always Imagined Experiencing Auction Process”: Jemimah Rodrigues | Cricket News

[ad_1] Jemimah Rodrigues, a key pillar of the Indian women’s cricket set-up, would be one of…